InícioMóvelComo Baixar Whatsapp no ​​Celular ou PC

Como Baixar Whatsapp no ​​Celular ou PC

WhatsApp is a popular messaging application that allows users to send text messages, voice messages, imagens, videos, documents, and make voice and video calls over the internet. It was founded in 2009 by Jan Koum and Brian Acton, and it quickly gained popularity for its ease of use, cross-platform compatibility, and end-to-end encryption features.

Key features of WhatsApp include:

1.Messaging Users

can send text messages to individuals or groups, with options for formatting text, adding emojis and attaching media files.

2.Voice and Video Calls

WhatsApp enables users to make free voice and video calls to other WhatsApp users anywhere in the world, using Wi-Fi or mobile data.

3.End-to-End Encryption

WhatsApp messages and calls are encrypted, meaning that only the sender and recipient can read or listen to the content. This provides privacy and security for userscommunications.

4.Media Sharing

Users can share photos, videos, audio recordings and documents with contacts or groups directly within the app.

5.Status Updates

Similar to stories on other social media platforms, WhatsApp allows users to post status updates consisting of text, photos or videos that disappear after 24 hours.

6.Group Chats

Users can create or participate in group chats with multiple contacts, sharing messages, media and making group calls.

7.WhatsApp Web and Desktop

WhatsApp offers web and desktop versions that sync with the mobile app, allowing users to send and receive messages from their computer.

WhatsApp is available for various mobile operating systems, including Android, iOS and Windows Phone, as well as web browsers and desktop platforms. It has become one of the most widely used messaging apps globally, with billions of active users worldwide.

Whatsapp é o aplicativo mais popular do mundo e que é usado para se comunicar com qualquer pessoa no mundo em qualquer lugar. Seu aplicativo mais confiável e seguro também para celular e computador.,videochamadas e chamadas em grupo. Hoje em dia não há um único celular que não tenha Whatsapp. Mesmo que sejam homens de negócios ou empregados, todos usam o Whatsapp.

Possui dois tipos de aplicações

  • Whatsapp pessoal
  • WhatsApp empresarial

Então vamos descobrir como podemos baixar o WhatsApp no ​​celular e no PC.

Como baixar o Whatsapp no ​​celular?

Aqui estão alguns passos para baixar o WhatsApp no ​​celular

  1. Primeiro você precisa do Google Mail (Gmail) conta
  2. Acesse e crie sua conta primeiro
  3. Depois de fazer e verificar sua conta, faça login em sua conta de celular ou abra diretamente o aplicativo Playstore e faça login
  4. em seguida, vá para a barra de pesquisa do Playstore e pesquise “Whatsapp”
  5. Você verá o Whatsapp pessoal e empresarial lá,escolha de acordo com sua demanda ou exigência
  6. Clique em botão de download e espere o celular terminar o download e a instalação
  7. Após a instalação concluída basta abri-lo
  8. Agora você precisa colocar seu número de celular com código do país
  9. Aguarde a verificação automática
  10. Após a verificação você fará o login no seu Whatsapp, use-o e aproveite

Como baixar o Whatsapp no ​​PC?

O Whatsapp é basicamente um aplicativo móvel, mas eles também fornecem versões baseadas em Windows e também na Web. Então, aqui estão algumas etapas para usar o Whatsapp no ​​PC ou desktop

  1. Basta abrir qualquer navegador e abrir o site oficial
  2. No lado esquerdo basta escolher Whatsapp para Windows ou Mac
  3. Download 1 escolhido
  4. Instale-o e abra seu aplicativo WhatsApp para celular
  5. Eles vão pedir a leitura do código QR
  6. Conforme você fará a varredura, o Whatsapp começará na sua área de trabalho

*Você deve fazer login no celular para ficar online na versão desktop.


How to use Whatsapp ?


It’s simple to use WhatsApp. Here’s a basic guide to getting started with it:

1.Download and Install WhatsApp

Go to the Google Play Store (Android) or the App Store (iOS) on your smartphone.

– Procurar por “WhatsApp Messengerand install the app.

Simply follow the prompts and wait as the app is installed in your device.

2.Set Up Your Account

Immediately after installing, open WhatsApp.

Accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Type in your phone number. A verification code will then be sent via SMS or call by Whatsapp to verify this number.

Once you are verified, personalize your profile by adding name, picture, or status if interested.

3.Start a Chat

In the main WhatsApp screen, tap on theChatstab at the bottom.

To start a new chat, tap on either of these icons: chat icon (Android) or pencil icon (iOS), located at top right side of page

Choose a contact from your address book or type in his/her name through search bar

Enter text in text box below and click send.

4.Send Messages

Touch the chat you want to send a message.

Type your message in the text box below on the screen.

Press the send button (usually a paper plane icon) to send it.

5.Send Media

To send a photo or video click on attachment icon (paperclip on Android, plus sign on iOS), then tap “Photo & Video Library” or “Camera” to take a fresh picture or video.

Choose media that you want and press the button for sending it

You can also use this same attachment icon to send your documents, contacts or location.

6.Make Calls

To make a voice call go to chat with contact you want to call and tap on phone icon at top right corner

For video calling, just tap the video camera icon located next to phone icon

7.Manage Settings

Click three dot menu icon (Android) or “Settings” tab (iOS) in order to access WhatsApp settings.

Here you can make adjustments on account settings, privacy settings, notifications, chat settings among others.

Discover New Features

In addition to that, WhatsApp has bonus features such as status updates, group chats, broadcast lists and WhatsApp Web/Desktop a platform where you can use your computer’s browser for messaging.

And thus we come to the end of this short introduction on using WhatsApp. The more you use it however, the more additional options and functions you will discover in order to make your messaging better.




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