

双极这个词的意思 2 极端情况。全世界数以百万计的人患有双相情感障碍,生活在两个不同的现实之间分裂,兴高采烈和抑郁。有许多类型的双相情感障碍.
类型 1 与低点一起非常高
类型 2 涉及简短, 不太极端的兴高采烈时期

穿插着长时间的抑郁. 对于任何在精神状态之间摇摆不定的人, 似乎不可能找到过上健康生活所需的平衡.
类型 1 极高被称为躁狂发作,他们可以感觉到一个人从暴躁到无敌. 但这些欣快的情节增加了普通的快乐感,引起令人不安的症状,例如赛车思想,失眠,快速说话,未经治疗的冲动行为和危险行为.


这些类型变得更加持久 ,激烈的,并且需要更长的时间才能消退. 双相情感障碍的悲伤阶段在许多方面表现出情绪低落,兴趣爱好减退,食欲变化,感到一文不值或过度内疚,睡得太多或太少 不安或缓慢或持续的自杀念头.
在全球范围内,大约 1% 到 3% 的成年人会出现表明双相情感障碍的各种症状。这些类型的人大多具有功能性, 为社会和他们的生活做出贡献的成员, 选择和关系不是由疾病定义的。但对于许多人来说,结果仍然很严重. 这种疾病会影响教育和职业表现,关系,财务安全和人身安全.


研究人员认为一个主要的关键因素是大脑的复杂布线. 健康的大脑保持神经元之间的密切关系, 这要归功于大脑不断尝试修剪自身并移除未使用或有故障的神经连接。这个过程非常重要,因为我们的神经通路可以作为我们所做的一切的地图。使用功能性磁共振成像. 科学家们发现,双相情感障碍患者的大脑修剪能力受到干扰。这意味着他们的神经元会出现混乱并创建一个网络,仅凭令人困惑的信号作为指导就无法导航. 患有双相情感障碍的人会产生异常的思想和行为,以及诸如言语混乱和行为妄想等精神病症状, 双相情感障碍的极端阶段会出现偏执和幻觉. 这归因于过量的称为神经递质 多巴胺.
但相反,这些见解, 我们不能将双相情感障碍归结为单一原因. 实际上这是一个复杂的问题.
例如, 大脑的杏仁核负责思考长期记忆和情绪行为. 在这个大脑区域中,遗传和社会创伤等因素多种多样. 可能会变得古怪并引发双相情感障碍的迹象.
这种情况可能会在家庭中发生, 所以我们确实知道遗传学与它有很大关系。但这并不意味着有一个双极基因.



事实上,发展双相情感障碍的可能性是由我们仍在试图理解的复杂配方中许多基因之间的相互作用驱动的. 原因是复合的,因此诊断和患有双相情感障碍是一项挑战. 无论如何,疾病都在控制之中, 某些药物(如锂)可以通过平衡情绪来帮助管理有风险的想法和行为.
这些精神平衡药物通过减少大脑中的异常活动起作用. 从而加强可行的神经连接. 其他常用药物包括改变多巴胺作用的抗精神病药和电休克疗法,
这确实像大脑中的控制性癫痫发作有时被用作紧急治疗. 一些躁郁症患者离开治疗,因为他们害怕这会削弱他们的情绪并损害他们的创造力. 但现代 精神病学 正在积极尝试避免这种情况. 今天,医生根据具体情况与患者合作,实施治疗和疗法的组合,使他们能够充分发挥其潜力,双相情感障碍患者甚至可以从简单的改变中获得帮助,包括日常锻炼睡眠习惯和清醒来自 药物酒精 更不用说家人和朋友的接受和同情.
请记住,双相情感障碍是一种医疗状况,不是一个人的问题或他们的整体身份,它可以通过在内部工作的医疗组合来控制. 朋友和家人对外界的接受和理解以及双相情感障碍患者赋予自己权力

Bipolar disorder can affect how someone’s mood, behavior, relationships and overall functioning. Below are some ways that bipolar may impact a person:

1.Mood Swings

Bipolar disorder has sever mood swings, which includes high moods of mania/hypomania (elation) and depression (sadness). Sudden and intense these fluctuations interfere with emotional regulation.

2.Impaired Functioning

Daily chores like work, school or housekeeping can be hard for individuals with bipolar disorder to perform well during manic or depressive episodes. Consequently, it becomes difficult to maintain employment academic performance as well as fulfill social obligations.

3.Relationship Strain

Fluctuating moods and behaviors associated with the condition may strain one’s relationship with his/her family members, friends or romantic partners. Families might not comprehend manifestations shown by their loved ones thus leading to conflicts or misunderstanding and even frustration on their part.

4. Risk-taking Behavior

People with bipolar disorder may indulge in dangerous activities like excessive shopping, speeding, taking drugs and having multiple sexual partners during manic or hypomanic episodes. Such actions can lead to financial difficulties, legal problems or broken relationships.

5.Physical Health

Bipolar disorder does not only influence mental health but also physical health for example sleep disturbances and appetite changes that accompany mood episodes have an effect on general health and wellbeing. Furthermore, the strain of dealing with this condition as well as possible other associated illnesses can have negative consequences on an individual’s physical wellbeing.

6.Co-occurring Disorders

Those with bipolar disorder may also have comorbid anxiety disorders; substance use disorder(s) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These extra complications do not make treatment any easier while hampering efficiency in terms of performance in general.

7.Stigma and Discrimination

Although there has been increased awareness about mental health issues, there is still stigma surrounding bipolar disorder and other psychiatric conditions. It is through stigma that people become discriminated against, socially isolated leading to them not being able to seek help or get the right kind of treatment they require.

It should be noted that many individuals with bipolar disorder can effectively manage their symptoms and lead fulfilling lives with suitable treatment which includes medication, counseling and changing lifestyles. Therefore, early intervention and continuous support are necessary to reduce the effects of the disorder as well as promote recovery.




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