KunyumbaSayansiKodi mdima ndi mphamvu yakuda ndi chiyani?

Kodi mdima ndi mphamvu yakuda ndi chiyani?

Chabwino Dark Matter ndi Dark Energy ndi Funso losokoneza kwambiri padziko lapansi pano komanso kuyambira pachiyambi.Choncho Lero tiyesera kumvetsetsa za zinthu zamdima ndi mphamvu.. Zinthu zamdima ndi mphamvu zamdima zimangofotokoza kuti pali china chake chodabwitsa chomwe tapeza m'chilengedwe chathu. Zinthu wamba ndi mphamvu zomwe timakumana nazo m'moyo watsiku ndi tsiku zimapanga zochepa kuposa 5% zomwe zili kunjako Dark Matter imapanga 27% za chilengedwe chodziwika ndi mphamvu zamdima zimapanga zina 68%. timadziwa zochepa kwambiri za zinthu zakuda ndi mphamvu zakuda motero mawu akuti dontho amagwiritsidwa ntchito kufotokoza zonse ziwiri.

Zinthu Zamdima

  1. Nature Dark matter is believed to be a kind of substance that neither emits nor reflects electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible and only detectable through its gravitational effects.
  2. Effects The motion of visible matter (stars, galaxies, gas clouds) is influenced by dark matter due to their gravity. It is suspected to be responsible for the phenomena dubbed gravitational lensing where light from far away galaxies gets bent due to massive intervening bodies.
  3. Distribution Dark matter is presumed to exist everywhere in the universe, forming halos around individual galaxies as well as clusters of galaxies.
  4. Composition Although the exact composition remains unknown, dark matter might consist of non-baryonic particles such as WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) or axions i.e. other than protons and neutrons.

Dark Energy

  1. Nature Dark energy is an enigmatic form of energy that fills all space and causes the expansion of the universe at an accelerating rate.
  2. Effect Different from dark matter which attracts matter gravitationally, dark energy acts as a repulsive force and leads to an accelerated expansion of the universe over time. This acceleration counteracts the gravitational pull between galaxies and results in an overall expansion of the universe.
  3. Distribution It appears that dark energy is evenly spaced throughout space and affects the large-scale structure of the cosmos.
  4. Origin What exactly is dark energy and where does it come from are not yet known. One hypothesis is that this could be vacuum energy or a cosmological constant associated with empty space itself.

Kodi Dark Matter ndi chiyani ?

Ndikuwonetsa zomwe tikudziwa mpaka pano zakuda. Nkhani yamdima ndi mtundu wa nkhani sichimalumikizana ndi kuwala ndipo kotero ndi zosawoneka kwa ife chifukwa kuwerengera kwawonetsa kuti popanda zake milalang'amba yokoka ndi zinthu zina zazikulu m’chilengedwe sizikanatha kupanga zinthu zakuda zimafunikanso kufotokoza za kuyenda kwa milalang’amba.. Imafotokoza chifukwa chake nyenyezi ndi mitambo ya mpweya yomwe ili kunja kwa mlalang'amba imazungulira mwachangu momwe imachitira..

Einstein adalongosola kupitilira kwa nthawi ya mlengalenga monga momwe zinthu zakuthambo zakuthambo zimaphatikizira zitatuzi
miyeso ya danga mmwamba ndi pansi,kumanzere ndi kumanja ndi kumbuyo. Mbali yachinayi ya nthawi Einstein ankaganiza za nthawi ya mlengalenga monga mphamvu yosungunuka ndi mphamvu zimatha kusokoneza nthawi ya mlengalenga ndipo izi zimapangitsa kuti mphamvu yokoka iwonongeke.. Zinthu zamdima zimakhala ndi kulemera ndipo zimapanga mphamvu yokoka. Kumene kuli magulu akuluakulu a zinthu zakuda kumasokoneza kuwala kochokera ku milalang'amba kumbuyo kwake. Izi zosokoneza zimatchedwa magalasi okoka. Takhala tikusaka zinthu zakuda kwa zaka zambiri komanso mgwirizano pakati pa akatswiri a zakuthambo.


Kodi Dark Energy ndi chiyani ?

Itha kupangidwa ndi tinthu tating'ono tating'ono tating'ono tomwe sitinazindikire mphamvu zakuda 1929 katswiri wa zakuthambo Edwin Hubble adapeza chilengedwe chofutukuka pomwe chinthu chili kutali kwambiri ndi dziko lapansi momwe chimawonekera mofiyira ngati mafunde a kuwala kwake kumabwera kwa ife.. Imatambasulidwa ndi ma electromagnetic spectrum ndi mtundu wonse wa kuwala komwe kumapezeka kuchokera ku mafunde a wailesi kupita gamma Kuwala kowoneka bwino ndi ma radiation a electromagnetic mkati mwa gawo la Electra spectrum yomwe imatha kuwonedwa ndi maso amunthu.. Mafunde aatali amafanana ndi kusunthira kumapeto kofiyira kwa ma electromagnetic spectrum.


Hubble ndinaona kuti mlalang’ambawo ukakhala patali kwambiri, mlalang’ambawu umasinthasintha kwambiri, idakhala ndipo pambuyo pakuwunika mwatsatanetsatane zakusintha kofiira kosiyana. Iye ananena kuti milalang’amba inali kuwulukira kutali ndipo thambo likukula mpaka chakumapeto kwa zaka za m’ma 90.. Iye anasaina lingaliro lake lakuti kufutukuka kwa chilengedweku kungachedwetse kapena kutsika chifukwa cha mphamvu yokoka ya zinthu.. Komabe mu 1998 umboni wa kupenyerera unatsimikizira kuti kufutukuka kwa chilengedwe kunalidi kofulumira, zomwe zidapangitsa kuthamangitsidwa uku zidatchedwa mphamvu zakuda komanso zilibe kanthu, amadziwika za mphamvu zakuda izi. Koma zikhoza kuganiziridwa ngati katundu wa danga. Danga likukulirakulira ndipo malo ochulukirapo akuwoneka kuti akudzaza malo owonjezera.

The dark energy intrinsic to space is pushing galaxies further apart and that concludes my inquiry on dark matter and dark energy. Mwachiwonekere ichi ndi chiwongolero chapamwamba kwambiri cha mitu yonse iwiriyi ndipo nkhaniyi ikuyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati choyambira kuti mupitirize kuphunzira monga nthawi zonse ndikhulupilira kuti mudasangalala ndi nkhaniyi..

pair of identical but connected concepts in cosmology that are highly important for the shaping and dynamics of the universe. This is followed by a short explanation on what differentiates them.

In conclusion, though both provide insights into cosmic dynamics, there exist differences between dark matter and dark energy in terms of their properties, impacts and roles in cosmology. Gravitational effects from Dark Matter help keep galaxies together and induce motion while on the other hand matters about expansion through gravitational pull requires Dark Energy.



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