計算機如何在 Windows 中使用受控文件夾訪問 10/11?

如何在 Windows 中使用受控文件夾訪問 10/11?


In the era of growing cyber security threats, 保護敏感資料已成為個人和組織不可或缺的問題. Controlled Folder Access (CFA) is one of the most effective ways to deal with scenarios involving ransomware and other malicious attacks. This article provides a comprehensive guide on what CFA is all about, its importance implementation and best practices that can be used to enhance it.

什麼是受控文件夾訪問 ?

受控文件夾訪問 是引入的安全功能 視窗 10 並繼續在 視窗 11. 它旨在保護重要文件夾和文件免受未知或潛在惡意應用程序未經授權的更改. 啟用後,受控文件夾訪問會監視並限制對指定文件夾的訪問,從而針對勒索軟件和其他類型的惡意軟件添加額外的保護層.

This Windows 10 introduced security feature aims at protecting valuable data by limiting access to certain folders. It does this by monitoring protected folders thereby stopping unauthorized applications from altering any files within these folders. This ensures that ransomware attacks, data breaches or any other forms of malware induced data loss are reduced using proactive approaches

默認情況下,受控文件夾訪問可保護對操作系統正常運行至關重要的系統文件夾. 其中包括文檔等文件夾, 圖片, 視頻, 音樂, 收藏夾和桌面. 但是,您還可以將其他文件夾添加到受控文件夾列表中,以便保護您的個人數據和其他重要文件.

每當應用程序嘗試進​​行未經授權的更改或訪問受保護文件夾中的文件時. 受控文件夾訪問將在以下位置生成通知 Windows安全. 您可以查看這些通知,並確定是否應允許該應用程序訪問, 您可以將其添加到允許的應用程序列表中. 這樣,只有受信任的應用程序才能修改或訪問受保護文件夾中的文件.


如何在 Windows 中使用受控文件夾訪問 10/11?


受控 文件夾 訪問是 Windows 中的一項安全功能 11 有助於保護您的重要文件和文件夾免遭未知應用程序未經授權的更改. 要使用受控文件夾訪問,您可以按照以下步驟操作.


  1. 轉到“開始”菜單並單擊“開始”按鈕或按 Windows 鍵 在你的鍵盤上.
  2. 類型 “Windows安全” 然後單擊頂部結果以打開 Windows安全 應用程序.
  3. 在 Windows 安全應用程序中選擇 “病毒 & 威脅防護” 從左側菜單.
  4. 病毒之下 & 威脅防護設置單擊 “管理勒索軟件保護.”
  5. 如果受控文件夾訪問切換開關設置為 “離開” 點擊它來轉動它 “在”. 系統可能會提示您授予對設備進行更改的權限 - 單擊 “是的” 繼續.
  6. 默認情況下,重要的系統文件夾受到保護. 如果您想將其他文件夾添加到受控文件夾列表中,請單擊 “受保護的文件夾.”
  7. 單擊 “添加受保護的文件夾” 按鈕.
  8. 瀏覽並選擇您要保護的文件夾,然後單擊 “添加此文件夾.”
  9. 該文件夾將被添加到受控文件夾列表中,並且對該文件夾內的文件進行任何未經授權的更改都將被阻止.
  10. 您還可以通過以下方式管理允許的應用程序 “允許應用程序通過受控文件夾訪問” 選項. 單擊它然後單擊 “添加允許的應用程序。” 選擇您想要允許訪問受保護文件夾的應用程序,然後單擊 “打開。”

從現在起,未經授權的應用程序修改或訪問受保護文件夾中的文件的任何嘗試都將在 Windows 安全中觸發通知. 您可以查看這些通知並採取措施,以進一步增強文件的安全性.

Benefits of Controlled Folder Access

Controlled Folder Access (CFA) is a security feature that Microsoft recently introduced in Windows 10. it has several advantages for your files and data protection against unauthorized access and ransomware infections.

1. Protection from Ransomware

One of the most important benefits of Controlled Folder Access is its potential to protect your files from ransomware attacks. It does this by monitoring and controlling access to selected folders, thus keeping unauthorized applications from modifying your files. This way, they are protected against encryption or held for ransom.

2. Data Confidentiality

CFA ensures integrity and privacy of sensitive information by restricting access to designated folders. Thus, any malwares or unauthorized users cannot change or erase your records hence making sure that all your data remains safe and sound.

3. Unauthorized Modifications Are Prevented

By disallowing unauthorized applications from accessing protected folders which include creating, editing or deleting files, this prevents accidental or malicious changes being made on vital document photos among other files you might have.

4. Mitigates Effect of Malware

Aside from protecting against ransomware attacks, CFA also restricts the access and modification of your files by other malware types which helps in reducing the impact they can have on your data while at the same time stopping them from spreading to other files and from causing more damage.

5. Easily Customizable Configuration

Although it has strong security functions, Controlled Folder Access is designed to be user friendly and easy for anyone to set up. Users can easily control what folders are protected or not as well as build a list of allowed apps either via Windows Security or Group Policy settings thus making their portable computers very safe

6. Better Data Protection in Business Environment

In addition to that, CFA has been useful for businesses and organizations since it provides an extra protection layers for confidential information kept in shared servers and network drives. Using policies of controlled file access administrators can establish better data security practices so minimizing the risks of unauthorized access to it.

7. Supports Existing Security Solutions:

With intrusion prevention systems like antivirus software as well as firewalls among others being commonly used in computerized systems today, this tool adds another layer of defense against unauthorized users who might want to open files that are only meant for specific individuals or even change their content. Multiple securities solutions can be combined together thus offering a user comprehensive protection from cyber threats.

Overall, Controlled Folder Access offers valuable benefits in protecting your files and data from ransomware attacks, unauthorized access and malicious modifications. By enabling this feature and configuring it to suit your security needs, you can enhance the security of your Windows 10 device and safeguard your valuable information.



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