

現在每天心髒病發作是社會上很常見的疾病. 它在老年人和年輕人中也很常見. 所以每個人都在關注心髒病,甚至在兒童中也越來越多. 所以我們將了解心髒病發作是如何引起的以及心髒病發作的症狀是什麼 心髒病發作 或心力衰竭。讓我們找出所有與心臟相關的問題的詳細信息.



心臟將血液泵入全身,將氧氣和營養物質輸送到體內的所有細胞,使它們能夠生存並完成工作. 血液還將廢物從細胞運送到器官,這些器官可以清除廢物,例如您的 腎臟, 你的心臟是一個雙泵.

  • 右邊 將血液泵送到您的肺部,在那裡血液吸收氧氣,然後返回到心臟的左側.
  • 左心室 然後通過稱為主動脈的大動脈將血液泵送到您的身體. 隨著血液循環,氧氣從血液轉移到全身的細胞.

沒有氧氣的血液通過您的靜脈返回心臟右側. 每次心跳都會發生此過程. 心臟本身需要持續供氧. 血液中最豐富的氧氣是通過動脈輸送的. 這些動脈位於心臟表面.


主動脈 主動脈稱為 冠狀動脈


  1. 左主冠狀動脈
  2. 右冠狀動脈

然後這兩條動脈分成許多更小的分支進入心肌. 任何冠狀動脈異常都會導致流向心臟的氧氣和營養物質減少, 這可能會導致心髒病發作甚至死亡. 這可能會導致動脈變窄或阻塞 動脈粥樣硬化. 這是心髒病最常見的原因. 冠心病也稱為冠狀動脈疾病或 COPD 是由脂肪沉積物堆積引起的動脈硬化, 這通常被稱為 牌匾. 這種斑塊積聚發生在冠狀動脈的許多最內層.

脂肪沉積可能在兒童時期產生,並在一生中不斷增厚和擴大. 隨著斑塊的形成,動脈變窄,流向心肌的血流量減少. 當血流量減少時,您的血流量減少 營養素 心. 當狹窄嚴重時,組織有可能無法獲得足夠的氧氣和營養. 我們現在知道,這些形成的斑塊會破裂或打開身體,然後試圖修復該部位並形成血塊,從而完全阻止血液流動.如果發生這種情況並且血流沒有恢復,組織可能會死亡,這被認為是 心髒病發作.




我們的身體經常警告我們心臟沒有獲得足夠的氧氣和營養. 冠心病的徵兆將取決於疾病的嚴重程度. 有些人與 冠心病 沒有症狀. 有些有輕度階段 胸痛 或者 心絞痛 有些人胸痛更厲害. 出現症狀時, 每個人可能會有不同的感受. 冠狀動脈疾病的症狀可能有 沉重, 鬆緊度, 壓力 胸骨後方胸部疼痛 手臂放射痛, 肩膀, 顎, 脖子, 和/或返回. 呼吸急促, 虛弱和疲勞, 可能會出現噁心或嘔吐,同時了解您的風險因素非常重要,並控制您將來心髒病發作的風險. 危險因素包括高 低密度脂蛋白 膽固醇 也稱為壞膽固醇高甘油三酯水平和低 高密度脂蛋白 膽固醇,這是你的好膽固醇 高血壓也被稱為 高血壓.


定期監測血壓很重要,使用自動袖帶可能非常簡單且有用. 監測您的心率也很重要 缺乏運動會增加您在吸煙和超重後患上進一步心髒病的風險. 遵循低飽和脂肪和高纖維水果和蔬菜的飲食很重要. 如果您患有糖尿病,請確保定期監測您的血糖,並將升高的血糖治療至建議的目標控制風險因素是預防疾病和死亡的關鍵 慢性阻塞性肺病.如果您有任何這些風險因素,請務必諮詢您的醫生. 有很多方法可以解決和治療這些風險因素. 每個人都應該有一個單獨的計劃來照顧他或她的風險.

如果您對這些方面有任何疑問,請聯繫您的醫生辦公室或參考出院時提供的信息 .

Also, heart attacks which are medically referred to as myocardial infarctions occur as a result of many factors often involving some combination of lifestyle, genetics and underlying health conditions. Some important causes of myocardial infarction include:

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

The most common cause of heart attacks is coronary artery disease occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart get narrowed or blocked due to the build-up of plaques (動脈粥樣硬化). This blocks oxygenated blood from flowing normally in the muscle leading to lack of oxygen and this may lead to damage or death of the heart.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Over time, chronic high blood pressure can increase the chances of atherosclerosis heart failure and subsequent occurrence of heart attack because it strains both the heart and blood vessels.

High Cholesterol

Higher LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides might result into arteriosclerosis in where arteries become narrow thereby increasing probability for myocardial infarction.


Chemicals in tobacco smoke that are harmful to the blood vessels cause inflammation and speed up atherosclerosis. On the other hand, smokers have much higher rates of suffering from heart attack compared to non-smokers.


Uncontrolled diabetes damages blood vessels and nerves, putting sufferers at risk of atherosclerosis, 高血壓, and heart attacks. In comparison with patients without diabetes, those diagnosed with diabetes have increased chances of developing heart disease.

Obesity and Sedentary Lifestyle

Increased body weight or obesity and leading sedentary lifestyles are linked to an augmented likelihood of heart disease as well as heart attack cases. Hypertension, diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia are caused by both physical inactivity & excess body weight that can also lead to myocardial infarction.

Family History and Genetics

If there has been any family history associated with any heart diseases or heart attacks then it raises their chances indicating that they inherited them genetically. Most importantly, someone can inherit a condition such as familial hypercholesterolemia which will also make him/her more likely to have a stroke.

Stress and Mental Health

Cardiovascular health is adversely affected by long-term pressure, nervousness and depression due to high blood pressure, inflammation and negative coping mechanisms like smoking or eating too much that promote the occurrence of heart disease.

Unhealthy Diet

High intake of fats, salts and refined sugars leads to increased risk obesity, high cholesterol levels and hypertension which are all factors causing heart attacks.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Blood pressure raising, increase in triglycerides level and obesity increase the chances for a person getting coronary artery disease (CAD) and directly predisposing them to a heart attack.

It is worth noting that many risk factors for myocardial infarction is preventable by lifestyle changes and medical intervention. A healthy lifestyle that involves regular physical activities, balanced nutrition, quitting smoking, stress control as well as effective management of chronic conditions such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension can greatly reduce the chance of developing myocardial infarction and enhance overall cardiovascular health. Early detection as well as management of risk factors can also be achieved through regular checkups with physicians.



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