

暗物質和暗能量從一開始就是地球上一個非常令人困惑的問題。所以今天我們將嘗試了解暗物質和能量. 暗物質和暗能量簡單地解釋了我們在宇宙中發現了一些非凡的東西. 我們在日常生活中所經歷的普通物質和能量所佔的比例不到 5% 暗物質構成的東西 27% 已知宇宙和暗能量構成了另一個 68%. 我們對暗物質和暗能量知之甚少,因此用“點”這個詞來描述這兩者.


  1. Nature Dark matter is believed to be a kind of substance that neither emits nor reflects electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible and only detectable through its gravitational effects.
  2. Effects The motion of visible matter (stars, galaxies, gas clouds) is influenced by dark matter due to their gravity. It is suspected to be responsible for the phenomena dubbed gravitational lensing where light from far away galaxies gets bent due to massive intervening bodies.
  3. Distribution Dark matter is presumed to exist everywhere in the universe, forming halos around individual galaxies as well as clusters of galaxies.
  4. Composition Although the exact composition remains unknown, dark matter might consist of non-baryonic particles such as WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) or axions i.e. other than protons and neutrons.

Dark Energy

  1. Nature Dark energy is an enigmatic form of energy that fills all space and causes the expansion of the universe at an accelerating rate.
  2. Effect Different from dark matter which attracts matter gravitationally, dark energy acts as a repulsive force and leads to an accelerated expansion of the universe over time. This acceleration counteracts the gravitational pull between galaxies and results in an overall expansion of the universe.
  3. Distribution It appears that dark energy is evenly spaced throughout space and affects the large-scale structure of the cosmos.
  4. Origin What exactly is dark energy and where does it come from are not yet known. One hypothesis is that this could be vacuum energy or a cosmological constant associated with empty space itself.

什麼是暗物質 ?

我將簡要介紹迄今為止我們所知道的暗物質. 暗物質是物質的一種形式 不與光相互作用 所以它對我們來說是不可見的,因為計算表明沒有它 引力星系 宇宙中的其他大型結構不可能形成暗物質,也需要解釋星系的運動. 它解釋了為什麼星系外圍的恆星和氣體雲旋轉得如此之快.

愛因斯坦 描述了一個時空連續體,因為宇宙時空的結構包含了三個
上下空間維度,左,右,後. 時間的第四維愛因斯坦認為時空是可塑的質量和能量可以扭曲時空,這就產生了引力現象. 暗物質確實有質量,因此會產生引力. 在有大塊暗物質的地方,它會扭曲來自其背後星系的光. 這種失真效果稱為 引力透鏡. 幾十年來我們一直在尋找暗物質,這是宇宙學家的普遍共識.


什麼是暗能量 ?

它可能由一種奇異的亞原子粒子組成,我們尚未在其中檢測到暗能量 1929 天文學家 埃德溫 哈勃望遠鏡 發現膨脹的宇宙 一個物體離地球越遠,它看起來越紅,因為它的光的波長向我們射來. 它被拉伸的電磁波譜是存在於從無線電波到 伽馬 光線 可見光是人眼可以感知的 Electra 光譜部分內的電磁輻射. 較長的波長對應於向電磁光譜的紅端移動.


哈勃望遠鏡 注意到越遠的星係紅移越多, 在對不同的紅移進行詳細分析後,它變成了. 他得出結論,直到 20 世紀 90 年代後期,星係都在彼此飛離,宇宙在變大. 他簽署了他的想法,即由於物質引力的影響,宇宙的膨脹會減慢甚至收縮. 然而在 1998 觀測證據證實宇宙的膨脹實際上在加速, 導致這種加速的原因被稱為暗能量,它也沒什麼, 知道這種暗能量. 但它可以被認為是空間的一個屬性. 一個空間正在擴大,更多的空間正在出現以填滿多餘的空間.

dark energy intrinsic to space is pushing galaxies further apart and that concludes my inquiry on dark matter and dark energy. 這顯然是對這兩個主題的非常高層次的概述,本文旨在一如既往地用作進一步研究的跳板我希望你喜歡這篇文章.

pair of identical but connected concepts in cosmology that are highly important for the shaping and dynamics of the universe. This is followed by a short explanation on what differentiates them.

In conclusion, though both provide insights into cosmic dynamics, there exist differences between dark matter and dark energy in terms of their properties, impacts and roles in cosmology. Gravitational effects from Dark Matter help keep galaxies together and induce motion while on the other hand matters about expansion through gravitational pull requires Dark Energy.



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