博客什麼是溝通? 溝通類型

什麼是溝通? 溝通類型

溝通 是普遍現象. 因為我們都是社會動物,我們不能沒有交流就活下去. 確實是試圖不交流或交流某事. 溝通意味著信息傳遞的雙向過程, 想法, 通過兩個或更多人之間的渠道的感受或意見,無論是口頭上的,還是通過語言或書面的,或者非口頭上的信號行為, 手勢, 姿勢等.



  • 發件人
  • 編碼
  • 信息
  • 渠道
  • 接收者
  • 解碼
  • 回饋

溝通的過程始於有東西可以與他人溝通的溝通者或發送者, 這可能是一個想法, 信息, 脂肪或其他任何東西.


此後, 發送者通過選擇接收者可以正確理解的表達媒介可以說話的語言來對消息進行編碼, 寫作, 眼神接觸, 表情, 手勢, 姿勢, ETC.


此後, 信息是由溝通者使用正確的詞語和語言開發的 信息是整個溝通過程的主要元素. 信道表示消息的載體,可以是電話交談, 面對面交流, 信件, 視頻通話, 電子郵件, 短信, 面部表情, 身體語言, 語氣等.


接收者是消息被定向到的人, 被告知通信者或發送者想要通信, 發送方了解接收方的解碼能力對於有效通信的解釋能力非常重要.


下一步是解碼,這涉及接收者對消息的解釋. 解碼消息後,接收方將以反饋的形式返回給發送方.


它是整個通信過程中非常重要的部分,因為它表明消息沒有失真. 以此目的. 接收方查找通道的方式與發送方與接收方通信的方式相同. 當信息以發送者打算傳達的相同意義被接收和解釋時,通信可以被認為是有效的. 有效的溝通總是面向接收者而不是面向消息. 傳播者應該確保接收者完美和正確地解釋信息.


通信可以根據渠道進行分類,也可以根據基於渠道的目的進行分類. 溝通方式分為三種

  • 口頭交流
  • 非口頭交流
  • 視覺交流

口頭交流 涉及使用文字和語言來傳達信息. 可以是口頭交流, 和書面交流. Oral Communication can be in the term of face to face communication, 視頻會議, 語音聊天, 電話交談等. 然而, 書面交流可以是信件的形式, 短信, 電子郵件, 報告等.

非口頭交流 是一種不使用語言的交流,是通過肢體語言進行的交流, 眼神接觸, 面部表情, 手部動作, 外貌, 說話的語氣, ETC.


視覺交流 您的交流是通過視覺輔助工具進行的,視覺輔助工具是標誌排版繪圖圖形, 顏色等. 根據目的,溝通可以分為正式溝通和非正式溝通. 正式溝通是跟進消息預定義流程的溝通. 正確性 消息應該是正確的,意思是消息應該沒有所有語法和拼寫錯誤. 進一步, 信息應該是完美的,適時的完整性是垂直溝通, 橫向溝通或對角線溝通. 最後, 非正式溝通. informal communication 是非正式的交流, 在傳達消息時不遵循預定義的流程.

7 C 通訊

下一個, 我們將討論溝通清晰度的七個 C.

信息的清晰度是有效溝通的首要要求. 因此, 使用的語言必須簡單明了.


從消息必須沒有所有語法和拼寫錯誤的意義上說,消息必須是正確的. 進一步, 消息應該準確且適時




這意味著您的交流內容必須是有形的. 那是, 必須有足夠的證據來支持你的論點


簡短而準確的信息總是首選. 所以要理解消息 , 避免使用不相關的詞語和細節.


寫作和演講必須連貫. 那就是單詞句子和段落之間必須有邏輯關係. 所以, 這些點應該是連續的, 組織良好且相互關聯.


禮貌是溝通的本質, 這意味著發件人必須有禮貌, 尊敬的, 對接受者開誠佈公.

How Communication Impact on our Life

In nearly every sphere of our lives, communication plays an indispensable part. Here is how it affects us:


It is vital to communicate well enough in order to create and sustain healthy relationships. This allows us to articulate our thoughts, feelings and needs to others thus fostering understanding, empathy and connection. Having good communication skills helps us solve conflicts, negotiate differences and deepen our bonds with loved ones, friends, intimate partners and colleagues.


One of the most important things for a successful workplace is communication because it enhances collaboration and productivity among employees. Teams are able to work effectively by communicating clearly and briefly about their specific job tasks or sharing information that may be helpful in coordinating their activities together as well as operations. Moreover, having effective communication skills that can enhance leadership qualities also enable giving feedback constructively besides empowering decision-making practices.

3.Personal Development

Communication has an indispensable role when it comes to personal growth and development. By advocating for ourselves assertively while still stating our goals as well as desires we are able to make claims for what we want so as pursue doors at the same time attain self-realization through such processes. Furthermore self-awareness, emotional intelligence plus resilience are other attributes associated with effective communications which are vital for navigating through life challenges like grief or loneliness.

4. Better health

Communication between practitioners and patients in hospitals is vital to good care provision and improved patient outcomes. Sympathetic, lucid communication helps individuals find out about their conditions, treatment options and guidelines for healthcare, thus enabling them to make informed choices regarding their own lives. Also, health workers rely on effective communication in such a way that they can consult with colleagues share clinical information and guarantee total medical services.

5.Forming Social Connections

Communication is the key to forming relationships with others. It helps us share experiences, discuss issues or problems we faced recently or express our points of view via talking face-to-face or cell phone calls or text messages on social media platforms. Strong social connections have been found to be associated with better mental health, increased resilience levels and general well-being.


In the learning process communication is paramount. It helps learners know things, open up to course materials and work in groups with other students and lecturers. Effective communication skills such as active listening, critical thinking and persuasive speaking enhance performance in academics and group projects while preparing students for their careers and lives.

At large, human relationships are anchored on communication which has a great influence on our associations access to opportunities and the general life experiences. The development and improvement of effective communication skills can let individuals lead through life’s problems make significant relationships with others, as well as achieve targeted goals.



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